The Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) is a small, black-and-white patterned mosquito species originating in Southeast Asia. However, global trade and travel have spread to many parts of the world, including Europe and the United States. Unlike native mosquito species, the tiger mosquito is diurnal and bites during the day and evening.
How dangerous is the Asian tiger mosquito?
The Asian tiger mosquito is considered a potentially dangerous vector of diseases.
In some regions, it has already spread several viral diseases.
Although it is not infected with these diseases, it is a so-called vector that can transmit pathogens from one person to another.
What makes the tiger mosquito so dangerous?
The dangerousness of the tiger mosquito lies in its ability to transmit pathogens. Some of the diseases it transmits include:
Dengue fever,
Chikungunya fever
and the Zika virus.
These diseases can lead to serious health problems and, in the worst cases, even life-threatening ones.
The function of humans as hosts for mosquitoes is overestimated.
What helps us with itchy gel bites?
What happens when you get bitten by a tiger mosquito?
When the Asian tiger mosquito bites, it simultaneously injects a blood-thinning secretion into the skin to make it easier to suck the blood. This causes itchy and painful bites. If the mosquito has previously bitten an infected person, it can transfer the pathogen into another person’s bloodstream the next time it bites.
Does the Asian tiger mosquito occur in Austria?
Yes, the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) occurs in Austria. In recent years, mosquito species have become established in some regions of the country, especially in warm and humid areas. Its presence has been confirmed not only in parts of eastern Austria, but also in some regions of western Austria. So, you should ensure you are adequately protected against mosquito bites to minimize the disease risk.
The Asian tiger mosquito may look like an ordinary mosquito at first glance, but its potential role as a disease vector makes it a serious health threat. It is essential to prevent mosquito bites by wearing protective clothing and using insect repellent. Educating people about the dangers this mosquito species poses can help curb its spread and protect our health.
- source: Bild von Welcome to all and thank you for your visit ! ツ auf Pixabay
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